Create a single source of truth for your office utilization

Leverage your existing attendance measurement methods to track RTO compliance, improve employee experience programming, and make smarter renewal decisions

System agnostic

FlexDesk connects to your existing attendance measurement systems and transforms the data into actionable insights. Optimize costs, reduce emissions and create a workplace experience people love.

Measurement sources

Badge swipes
Wifi & network analysis
Room/desk bookings

Use cases

Reduce operating costs

Consolidate floors on low-traffic days of the week and drive employee density

Assess inventory type mix

Understand utilization by space type to inform remodels and future buildouts

Manage RTO compliance

Track employee attendance and securely distribute results to line managers

Predict demand

Anticipate food consumption, staffing needs, and occupancy expenses

Assess inventory type mix

Understand utilization by space type to inform remodels and future buildouts

Reduce operating costs

Consolidate floors on low-traffic days of the week and drive employee density

Assess inventory type mix

Understand utilization by space type to inform remodels and future buildouts

Reduce operating costs

Consolidate floors on low-traffic days of the week and drive employee density

Manage RTO compliance

Track employee attendance and securely distribute results to line managers

Predict demand

Anticipate food consumption, staffing needs, and occupancy expenses

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Activate your data with the click of a button

Maintain an ongoing and accurate data feed to eliminate time-intensive space utilization assessments

New Way
Current Way
Data Collection
Cleansing and Mapping
FlexDesk integrates into your existing systems
Data requests to Security team for badge swipes
Data requests to IT team for wifi logs
Exports from reservation systems
Exports from sensor systems
Data requests from serviced office providers
Automated and maintained data collation
Worksheet macros
Standardized field naming and matching
Rework when data sources or data formats change
Real-time updates, purpose-built reporting studio, and highest data quality
Monthly or quarterly data refreshes
Worksheet pivot tables and charts
Concerns around data consistency and accurancy

Drive value across multiple stakeholders
within the organization


Corporate Real Estate

Make smarter renewal decisions
Gain asymmetric information for transaction negotiations
Maintain portfolio health metrics

Human Resources

Benchmark attendance patterns against peers
Track compliance of RTO mandates
Measure the effectiveness of employee experience initiatives

Facilities & Space Planning

Control cleaning costs and anticipate food demand
Inform layout design and inventory mix
Know who to contact in the event of an on-site emergency

Corporate Real Estate

Make smarter renewal decisions
Gain asymmetric information for transaction negotiations
Maintain portfolio health metrics

Human Resources

Benchmark attendance patterns against peers
Track compliance of RTO mandates
Measure the effectiveness of employee experience initiatives

Facilities & Space Planning

Control cleaning costs and anticipate food demand
Inform layout design and inventory mix
Know who to contact in the event of an on-site emergency

Permissioning and monitoring

Role-based security

Manage stakeholder access to prevent unauthorized visibility and functionality

RTO compliance

Receive a notification if an employee isn't meeting office attendance requirements

Building standards

Identify peak days that are at risk of surpassing building capacity limits

Midtown Office

New York, NY. USA

Bay Area office

San Francisco, CA

Chicago Office

Chicago, IL

Make utilization data a competitive advantage

See how leading companies partner with FlexDesk to sync their attendance data.